What We Believe

We Believe


THERE IS ONE TRUE GOD who is above all else.  We were created to submit to, worship, and praise Him.


JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life, was put to death on a cross, and rose from the dead. Because of what Jesus has done, we can be forgiven for all of our sins and brought into a personal relationship with God by simply confessing our sins and putting our faith in Him.

Holy Spirit

THE HOLY SPIRIT brings the permanent indwelling presence of God to us for spiritual worship, personal transformation, building up the Church, and gifting us for ministry, so that Christians may continue telling others about the message of God and doing the works of Jesus.

The Bible

THE BIBLE is God’s Word to us. It shows us the way to live. We must know what it says, emphasize what it emphasizes, and most of all, do what it says.

Every Christian

EVERY CHRISTIAN is a minister. We are commissioned by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit to display who God is to the world.


God is a PERSONAL GOD who reveals Himself in relationship. To effectively reach others and grow spiritually, we must be in honest, transparent, and accountable relationship with God and other Christians.

The Church

THE CHURCH is called to make disciples of men, women, youth, and children. We do this by teaching, equipping and encouraging one another to live a lifestyle that displays God’s character and effectively ministers (or brings) God’s love to others.

The Local Church

The LOCAL CHURCH is the body of Christ, which God has chosen and through whom God will reveal Himself to the world.

Becoming Like Jesus

BECOMING LIKE JESUS, or “sanctification,” is a life-long process.  Christians should expect a life of ongoing conviction and forgiveness of sin, seasons of trials and suffering, along with times of great blessing.  God uses all of these things in our lives to transform us – to bring us closer to our original selves and to make us more like Jesus.

We Value

We value having a personal relationship with God.  By seeking God and letting Him into all the areas of our lives, we come to know Him.

We value following Jesus.  Jesus’ words to His first disciples are still the words God speaks to us: “Follow me.”

We value participation.  One of the most exciting parts of Jesus’ message is that we get to join with Him and participate in His ministry.  God wants to use everyday people to transform lives.

We value people.  We are to love everyone – people of every race, age, background, and social class – those who believe like we do, as well as those who don’t.

We value relationship.  Jesus’ ministry was so powerful, in large part, because He was personal and relational.  We are not designed to live in independence, but in community.

We value compassion and justice.  Compassion and justice are the very things that God extended to us when He saved us.  Because of this, we work for justice and compassion for all people.

We value being real and authentic.  We want to do what we do in a natural, low-key, no-hype way, presenting the simple truth of Jesus and experiencing the reality of His presence.

We value integrity.  We desire to speak the truth in love and live a lifestyle that is consistent with our beliefs.

We value generosity.  Because God has been so generous with us, we want to be a generous community that passes along His kindness.

We value being relevant.  We want our music, atmosphere, language, and teaching style to be understandable and relevant to those around us who are seeking God.