Why we give.
Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. –Proverbs 3:9
Giving is an act of worship and the natural response of a thankful heart. Who we are, what we do, and how we use our resources are all connected.
Check out our beliefs about giving on our member website. We hope that the information provided there will answer your questions and communicate our beliefs and values about giving by providing a Biblical overview of the topic and how we apply those to our own lives today.
If you still have questions, we'd love to chat with you. Feel free to reach out to any of our Board Members any time (David Stark, Caleb Chou, Doug Dunlap). They would be happy to dialogue with you about our church's finances.
Check out our beliefs about giving on our member website. We hope that the information provided there will answer your questions and communicate our beliefs and values about giving by providing a Biblical overview of the topic and how we apply those to our own lives today.
If you still have questions, we'd love to chat with you. Feel free to reach out to any of our Board Members any time (David Stark, Caleb Chou, Doug Dunlap). They would be happy to dialogue with you about our church's finances.
We are stewards
When we come into a relationship with God through Jesus, we come to understand that God is the source and provider of everything we have, which means that He owns it all! Therefore, we are not owners, but entrusted stewards. We are simply to act on His behalf to use what He’s given us in any way He asks.
Ways To Give
- Give online through Subsplash Giving
- Give in person in the boxes by the sanctuary doors.
- Mail a Check directly to us:
Vineyard Community Church
2154 Dougherty Ferry Rd
St. Louis, MO 63122
Unless otherwise noted, all financial contributions given to the church are tax-deductible. We send out year-end giving statements for tax purposes by February each year. You can also access your personal or family giving on CCB and also download a formal giving statement from there.