When you look around at the people who gather together at our church, you’ll find students, retirees, children, doctors, parents, young professionals, construction workers, educators — and many more. (You may even find a few Cubs fans hiding among us.) While there are differences in the people who make up our church, it’s the things we hold in common that make us a community.
Our greatest desire is to see God revealing himself to us in our everyday lives and in the lives of our friends and neighbors.
We believe God is both personal and powerful. And when we let Him in, our lives are changed. Our families are changed. Our community is changed. When we pray together and ask God to come into our real life issues and circumstances, we experience God in real and powerful ways. God meets us where we are and loves us right there.
We strive to be a church that meets people where they are, and loves them where they are as well.
These are the threads that make us a community, that make us a church.